UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

Brain tells me at least one is Litten/Jarek/frink

Less likely achro bc of obvious reasons

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And that pool is much smaller

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Whatā€™s the chance that Litten got roleblocked doing factional and everyoneā€™s gonna believe that claim too easily

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in what world do I do the factional with the way I acted d1

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do you think theyā€™d just up and claim it though when someone got poisoned

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the answer is no

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Iā€™m just thinking of possibilities

Iā€™m almost certain that pool of 3 Iā€™ve made has scum

I was asking for takes on other people

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if you read my posts I even called out achro for griefing me for trying to get me to do stuff when visiting me is a death sentence for my role

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From other people*

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I mean

I still think poison being the main kp scum has is just. Not real so idk what that has to do with anything but thatā€™s my own doubts

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porch was probably saveable when I read EOD honestly, with the way they posted
understandable they died
anyways now Iā€™m actually got to go I have fourty mins to do a lab for physics 2 before I have to turn it in and I havenā€™t started

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I would suggest itā€™s likely tbh. Donā€™t let that influence your shot please.

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I guess I trust you. Iā€™m not really too sus on Litten Iā€™m just trying to get input

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Rad wagon happened after Porscha was in the lead and short before EoD so I dont think voting Porscha is AI if Rad is scum. Maybe for the last few voters after the Rad wagon happenedb ut idr who else voted other than you.

Although in a world where Crichard is scum Iā€™d say itā€™s more scum indicative to be on the Porscha wagon.

Iā€™d say that in a world where Crichard is town the wagons are nearly impossible to analyze

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Iā€™m town.

I had a good vibe on Frink which stems mostly from the fact theyā€™re willing to stick their neck out and make an odd-ball vote. Mafia, in my experience, tend to not want to do that because it invites investigatives and suspicion to their door.

Litten has their claim that I can believe, I like the way theyā€™ve been acting bear in mind I have not really isoā€™d anyone. The claim change from one thing to another could be the truth. Highly doubt itā€™s because theyā€™re the factional kill because they just outed themselves. If theyā€™re evil, theyā€™re something with utility I think?


True but Rad wagon only happened in the last hours of EoD while Crichard had been a topic for nearly the entire day

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I would suggest Rad attacked Porschaā€™s slot with a ferocity without TMI, btw. Many people simply sheeped or shrugged, but Rad put himself out there saying that what Porscha was doing was wrong. I think heā€™s a good lad and ask everyone who thinks otherwise to reconsider.


I mean

I guess itā€™s ?? Possible that all scum piled up on porscha but that feels

So. Unlikely. Was Crich under any real threat d1?

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He was under a little bit of danger yeah.

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