UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

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Thatā€™s the only reason Iā€™m not voting her right now and why itā€™s giving me ??? vibes. Because I canā€™t fathom why anyone would act this way, villager or wolf.

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Iā€™ve played dozens of games with roles exactly like this but okkkkkkkkkayyyyy

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I told you to explain Neon.

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oh btw I forgot a detail about part of my role today. Iā€™m immune to all night actions except for killing actions unless there are multiple people targeting me. so if only one person would target me it would fail.

I apologize for not claiming this earlier. I did consider claiming this D1 but then didnā€™t think the chance high i would get investigated so i kept quiet and as of today I just forgot entirely.

@Litten itā€™s possible you did not get roleblocked after all.

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I donā€™t believe that for a second. Itā€™s like a tole that potentially tells everyone who a scum is.

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U mad cause u caught.

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The problem is everyone doesnā€™t exactly know that

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I doubt itā€™s true regardless but like


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In which case you might be immune to poison?
ā€¦No, nevermind. Poison doesnā€™t count as a night action.

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Are we all just claiming like why are we all claiming

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VOTE: Alana

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Fol moment

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GIFs do nothing and explain in words. This is getting really annoying at this point.

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going to stir up the pot by saying I didnā€™t get the message =]

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VOTE: Alana

Like I donā€™t wanna be rude but the claim was completely unprompted and Iā€™m getting suspicious of people just claiming for no reason

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Iā€™m not caught and Iā€™m mad because youā€™re refusing to explain your BS vote on me.

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