UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

I was not providing cover. And the fact that I have a detailed description of my role is proof. Magnus can die.

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Neon you are way too high strung he was joking.

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Anyway letā€™s see


Currently outside my CICLE OF TRUST I will need to prod these people more.

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Didnā€™t realize I was talking to Magnusā€™ lawyer. Wanna continue talking for Magnus or let them talk themself?


Iā€™m sorry to say thatā€™s completely terrifying.

Fourteen players. Rolemadness. Duplicating roles is a waste of creativity, unless two roles are designed to interact together or something. But itā€™s more likely theyā€™re all unique.

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Well in that case if you and Neon both arenā€™t joking one of you is lying

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If I was serious I most likely wouldā€™ve thunderdomed you immediately; I would not have gone with the equivalent of ā€œoh yeah, Iā€™m totally that role, but youā€™re still fine despite being caught fakeclaiming innocent childā€.

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Honestly Maverick isnā€™t even that scary. Its intense but things like Iron Gwazi are like another level.

Multiple ejector airtimes which literally pull you up out of your seat. Corkscrew rolls and a huge hill.

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Havenā€™t gotten the pleasure of riding Gwazi yet but I will. Iā€™m planning on riding every coaster in the US

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Iā€™ve heard of Iron Gwazi. Wasnā€™t it shut down and overhauled and remade much later?

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Leafia apparently didnā€™t catch Jarek joking earlier, so Iā€™m wondering if half the people Iā€™m talking to just lack the ability to sense humour online unless itā€™s prefaced with /s.


Yeah just opened last year. Rocky Mountain Construction is a company that primarily takes old dilapidated wooden coasters that arenā€™t safe anymore and rebuild them into hybrid steel wood coasters. Iron Gwazi is their best build. Steel Vengeance is another one I was at Cedar Point but the wait time for Steel Vengeance was over 2 hours.


Neon you sound COMPROMISED.



No just really really hate when purple answer for other people. Especially when Iā€™m reaction testing. Was it likely a jokeā€¦ sure but I wouldā€™ve liked to hear Magnus say that and not you. By answering my reaction test you gave Magnus an easy out. Had Magnus not been joking sure easy answer but in the moment one he may not have chosen.

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Believe it or not Iā€™m not that dumb. I just play dumb too see how people respond.

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Anyways more roller coaster talk. Intamin is my favorite roller coaster company. They built maverick and another lim launch coaster I really really wanna ride called Velocicoaster. LIM launched are cool because they rocket you out without any chain lifts and give you some insane energy and Intamin is insanely good at them. Problem with intamin is their coasters are notorious for minor accidents and major breakdowns.

Nobody really has died. One person almost did onceā€¦ but lots of minor injuries.

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Primarily their old coasters. The new ones arenā€™t as finnicky.

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Sorry for answering the question but I genuinely thought within the context of how he interacted with your claim that it was the only possible answer. I apologize, I didnā€™t mean to interfere with your process.