UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

I mean I primarily hunt town and I’ve barely found town this game lol

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It feels as if you’ve kind of been in a bad mood though lol.

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“Hey neon I think this person is town-”

“FUCK that guy”


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I’m going to assume Neon has never played Blood on the Clocktower, judging by their reaction to the idea of anti-town roles.
Which BTW has anti-town roles called outsiders.

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Start finding town then. There’s a lot more to find than scum so you should be looking for town tells. I’ve got like 7!

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I have no real problem with anti town roles… but stacking town with multiple feels really weird in a PR heavy set-up no?

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Unpaired with Jarek and Leafia maybe. A second opinion would be nice.

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Nobody has come off nearly town enough.

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I don’t think this unpairs them with either honestly. Maybe Jarek moreso

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I think so because Leafia OMGUS’d gyrlander the same as others, she usually forgets to do that to scum partners at times lol

(might be outdated just remembering her treatment of marl d1 of happy tree friends)

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May I present to you:

Skill issue

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Yeah, it would be weird now you mention it.

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I stg…

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Ryan Reynolds

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no but joking aside if you aren’t finding town reads 1000+ posts in I would say genuinely adjust your radar lol

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Ah yes Happy Tree Friends is a game I prefer to forget.

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I liked day 1.

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Like… no. I’m good at what I do.

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Day 1 was ok. It was afterwards that is why I try to forget the game.

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