UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

You oughta do what I did with KT, and ask someone to tunnel you.

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I wouldnā€™t say this

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some sort of host interaction may or may not be required but immediately on day 4 is correct.

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This feels like a bad omen.

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Also I am here just playing baseball.

Why are you stuck on a read in like your first post?


I get that a lot.

I really got to work on my ominous stuff.


I know Gyr likes being voted as town btw and since he was a wet noodle I figured this was the best course of action but just openly saying that felt lame.

Considering his play upon ACTIVATION and if it is worth it to see if he was voted as scum and if he responded the same.

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Why am I stuck on a read? Which read? What are you talking about?

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Oh, you need to be careful. As scum I know thatā€™s how I usually play like Town so I try to fake it as much as I can.

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I still remember this.

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Oh, then I guess Iā€™ll just lynch you here to be safe.

Also youā€™re stuck on leafia tbh. I donā€™t think she is a wolf she is responding to me a lot like she did in kaguya tbh

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Oh yeah thatā€™s a very good example. I see you are paying attention Magnus.

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Yeahā€¦I hate Achros claimā€¦a lot.

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Sadly you arenā€™t a Mayor with 8 votes so you canā€™t lynch me :frowning:

You already know I donā€™t care who the heck gets lynched as long as it isnā€™t one of my townreads. Who Iā€™m voting isnā€™t that relevant. I just initially felt like Leafia was scum so I donā€™t mind keeping my vote there. If you want me to vote someone else give me your reasoning and MAYBE Iā€™ll do it.

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Litten and Magnus are TRs huh. Donā€™t hate it.

2? Is that it?

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I donā€™t know why I thought being up front about being confirmable day 1 would actually make people less paranoid of me tbh

oh well probably making scum go ??? in the background so that might be amusing to see post game.

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Gyr is probably not aligned with Leafia, Achro, you and Min.
If Gyr flips wolf, then the above-named slots are likely just spewed town pending further analysis.

If Gyr flips town, then Iā€™m hoping there is KP to resolve the counter-wagon. As it would be good to know if scum were either trying to save a buddy (Scum counter-wagon), or that they were ok with the EoD wagons and were chilling in their DMs waiting for a flip (Town counter wagon).

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Intriguing energy.

Say that first part again.

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I just canā€™t be throwing townreads left and right like you guys are. Only the best of the best get to join my premium townlist.


Itā€™s just the cats again isnā€™t it

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