Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

oops posted in wrong thread

this post was rough given the earlier stated confidence on gaul :eek:

i know this post probably seems like i’m a wolf lazily trying to grasp for some :towncred: too little too late but it was basically the only thing that stood out to me in the iso. unfortunately it happened when i was gone and only seeing it now makes me look terrible.

I think min was saying it gives it to them day 4 though.

Like guys Ruby was a wagon and I think it was Rue that started the Eevee wagon the reverted to a different one.

I’ll have to double check that.

this means i wont be able to yell at arctic in dvc but that is a price i’d be willing to pay


I can change it bc like I said it is only given by eod

this post was rough given the earlier stated confidence on gaul :eek:

i know this post probably seems like i’m a wolf lazily trying to grasp for some :towncred: too little too late but it was basically the only thing that stood out to me in the iso. unfortunately it happened when i was gone and only seeing it now makes me look terrible.

oh im clown

yeah that might work although tbh I’m not sure katze is a wolf

let’s see what Ruby flips

counterpoint you can yell at him in post game which gives you enough time to make a manifesto

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anyways banter aside

i do want to actually make a PoE today

there’s far too much emphasis on burninating specific people which I think will cause us to lose

I’m officially locktown. Discussion is over.

Or you bus incredibly well as scum

it’s one of those two lol

So this was pretty much a legal thunderdome.

Yep so guys,
Rue voted @BradLand then changed their vote to @WindwardAway slot which was a wagon that picked up more but when that wasn’t enough they switched back to Arctic.

can someone who has more patience read through spf’s ISO and see if she has like a wall where she just has all her reads

shr does I read it

yeah so

can you link it


Nah. You wolf
