Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Do you have any questions for me?

(btw tag me with questions, BRB dinnertime)

So you sheeped Katze basically.


also u I guess

fine you can have the pelt but mom says we have to share

Yet you don’t have anything coming into today like “ok get Ruby”
None of that.

me god damnit

you can be my adopted som

Blahblahblah I can only think of Gyr being scum and Will deform reality all I need yo keep thinking that blahbalhblah

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not opposed if i survive today

i trust myself to not be a hero more than most people :joy_cat:


Archo is probably older then you.

alright katse, im gonna give you the ability because I dont? think it can be used in an antitown way anyway

but yeah, you’re gonna have 2 wait until d4 to use it but better late than never

@achro its not even a vig, its the gladiator part, so unless you need to be resolved >_>

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[awesome reading comprehension]

Can compulsive actions be roleblocked?

I am a timeless ageless being who was born at the beginning of time

I have seen empires rise and crumble, hills form and erode to dust, oceans breathe and exhale.

I am God

so doubt

does it matter who we do the gladiator part too if we’re turboing ruby was my thought

but I see day 4


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I’m pretty sure it’s also a cop check if we give it to ruby

you dont immediately get it


two people voted Heisen day 1 and Ruby day 2


and Gyr
