Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

how do you insert color on discourse? when i click the thing it just inserts “color=#” tags without letting me pick anything first

you change the # into a color or a color code or whatever

[color=red] or something

you have to manually type it in each time?

uggggggh :confounded:

I think that’s correct

haters do not @ me about the color of my name :triumph:



no real point to coloring d3 or d4


it’s possible the d1 katze and d2 ruby wagons were entirely pure (or very close to it at least)

arctic malding that katze is still alive

im malding that im still alive

im malding that pluto isn’t a planet

wtf spoilers

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the best part is that ive literally tried my hardest to get myself killed this entire game and now people are wanting to kill me for not dying :wowee:

yes because strongarming the death of the person tunneling me, saying to kill me next, proposing myself as a wagon for multiple days, and saying that i think my d1 wagon is ~pure since d2 is not at all me trying to get myself killed


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i am just a simple man/daddy making observations

just asking questions sir

but it seems that villagers wanted to kill katze d1, and villagers wanted to kill the wolf d2 instead of the person who was tunneling katze


isnt that part if anything a point in my favor

if the entire village thought i was mega wolfy d2 they probably dont vote to kill the guy tunneling me over… me?


like yes

d1 wagon on me is a thing i acknowledge is not a thing that makes me look good

if the collective village thought i was a wolf still on d2 then why did literally only one person not side with me against arctic lmao

do you think i am wolfy by play?