Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Witches Win

I tried so hard to pull town through. :sob:

Called out Rue and Outed said one of Katze/Achro is distancing and pocketing.

I think Jack could have made me very conflicted and Iā€™m honestly not sure if I would have got it but I probably would cause after an Achro flip id always vote for Jack in a F3 with Me, Jack and Sufdaddy/Gorta.

btw zack, SO sorry for pocketing you so ridculously hard and skullfucking the village, gg btw



In other news. Snap voting is bad for town.

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thanks for the game astand, hosting was great as usual

iā€™m not happy with how i played this game and i apologize for contributing to making the thread a bit of a slog to be in on day 2. but i learnt some things from this game, or at least i am hoping i did. as zack said the rest of you need to learn to chill (i.e stop fucking posting holy shit)

this will be my last game on fol for a while (this was meant to happen a while ago but i wanted to stick around for this game and the valorant one) for a number of reasons

reading some of the posts about me after i died justā€¦ did not make me feel welcome here. i get that i have an abrasive playstyle and can be insensitive at times, but itā€™s never my intention to make others feel bad. and knowing that people would be happy to policy me because of stuff iā€™ve done in a different game despite literally knowing that my counterwagon was a wolf is justā€¦ not a great feeling. and the game may have had a different outcome had that not occurred

but yeah, this will be all for now. iā€™ll still be around for miscs probably and maaaybe if thereā€™s a hype playerlist in a postcapped game


also please donā€™t ping me once i am no longer in the game

what if i have a funny joke

my b, i know i did that at least once

not sure if i made you feel that way, your tunnel on me wasā€¦ annoying, but it is what it is. hold nothing against you out the game or anythin, i can get bitchy in games but it all stays in the game

:ghosthug: apologies if anything i said was actually insulting, for the most part i prefer playful jabs but know they dont alwys land

there is no escaping the game



wow i dont even care about this and im mad for them



i donā€™t mind being called bad (i literally made the average arctic towngame meme) but to see people encouraging bradā€™s play like that was. yeah


only if you are very sure itā€™s funny!
(probably maybe yes idk)

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you should be active in nerdcord purely to confuse people with the other arctic

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oh you mean the furry arctic? yeah thatā€™s actually me youā€™ve been trolled



arctic out here with three discord accounts

@nightingale thank you for replacing into my slot, you did very well this game, and i know you had much better art than uh

what i had for n0 lool

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iā€™m a wittle wooser

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did you like my ror2 refrence

i did lol

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