Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

You are welcome

VOTE: Bradland


That was a wolfy vote, was it not?

Of course, you continue to be full of shit.

VOTE: memes

Imagine being a man of your word. Couldnā€™t be you.

Memes outted wolf

Like im telling him im dropping it and he does not question why iā€™d drop it just because Sadbi said so.

If im a wolf im super bad a not trying to get as much attention as possible.

I would advise you both take a break. This is already heating up more than it should.

@BradLand gth reads :gun:

I dropped it because I myself donā€™t want to get into this shit and Iā€™m trying to play the game, you offered.

If you want to keep picking at it and be full of shit, then Iā€™m not backing down from you.

You are only saying that because i said it was ok to bus me in wolf chat tbh

Katze since we have never played together i am appointing you as my assistant day one. Please summarize events for me throughout the day.


Hi. You are the assistant watcher. You are meant to judge katzeā€™s assisting is town siding or wolf siding in nature.

@Hallia the above, but for spfā€™s judgment on katzeā€™s performance.

This should be a good start.

Im cool. Im hunting mafia.

VOTE: Zorvo

Itā€™s ok. You already towntold, but a word of advice. Try to see in between the lines cause you are very easily pocketable, like, why does Sadbi white knight you during RvS?

Do you like not know why???

We watch each otherā€™s backs. I typically fight for my friends, so do they. Itā€™s what we do.

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Iā€™m not sure that should apply in a game like this.

What friendship got to do with Mafia brad, your friends could rand scum. This is not a beauty contest.

Do you actually read these people town? Or is this just blind?

(Brad hasnā€™t town told yet so I donā€™t tr him yet but donā€™t tell him that)

Give it timeā€¦

Gth reads :gun: