Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

I am grooving and quite possibly schmooving
ama and I will answer correctly

Gonna be on and off as I’m getting ready for work.

The resistance to gorta makes me more sus in gorta and want that flip

Because i hold Achro in higher standards than them.

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as someone who was there arctic for sure lead the train off of Seth

Im just saying keep that in mind depending on what Seth is

in my dream world the top 3 wagons rn would be heisenberg/jack/gorta

please sadbi
there are bigger priorities

There’s resistance because people have actual cases on the other available wagons and investment in seeing them dead.

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hey achro, if all of the wagons that give good info are off the table, name some that you’d support

mentions one person because of inacitivty

StOp PuShInG hIm

That being said I do appreciate the compliment lol

this feels like something a wolf doesnt say lol

No u

This is true
I am a bigger priority than you

Fair enough I just hate the cases in Geyde and Gyr. Both feel forced and conf biasing

sadbi town btw

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panic attack
im probably going to just
leave until eod
i literallyhonestly dont care who you go for today as long as its not stupid

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((okay stay safe
((i love you


If Zorvo is not chopped today i will consider him inno child tomorrow and the rest of the game.

too casually ignoring any input from anyone to push a random inactive to be scum
i dont see having sadbi having that sheer level of confidence or being that much of a shitter as a person to be able to pull this

In before someone says I’m partners with Geyde, gyr and/or katze because of my refusal to join their wagons if they flip w
