Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2


Oooh lol im dumb

Oh yeah

I also felt your response to my initial post was kinda weird the whole “you’re not allowed to scumread me after x lel” is just. Not the way I expected you to reply you felt super uncomfortable

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See guys? Im Memes

Min based?

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Howard is my hero

Im laughing at him, it is obvious im not the modposter or whstever that is and it is obvious Zorvo is not the doctor who also happens to be Ascetic according to the modpost

Vote Count

Zorvo (3): Hally, katze, Memes
Memes (3): Sadbi, BradLand, Zorvo
spf (2): sufdaddy, spf
katze (2): min, SaulGoodman
Heisenberg (1): eliza
No elimination (1): Heisenberg

Not Voting (13): Achromatic, Blizer, eevee, GaulSoodman, Gorta, guavagudetama, Gyrlander, HowardHamlin, Jackrito, Outedwolf, Phraze, Prophylaxis, Rue

well yeah

ur going to jail for daring scumread me in a mafia game that’s nonnegotiable

but in the meantime fair enough i guess? im not sure if id call myself uncomfortable but :wowee:

gonna just keep on doing my thing and if you still think im a wolf later we can talk about it then :joy_cat:

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VOTE: SaulGoodman

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random question but @Heisenberg how much do you care about staying anonymous

This line feels out of character.


Katze uwu

Ok I’m gonna have to lead this day into a wolf executed.

Pretty sure it was memes that outed my role and I die tonight.

Not sure if he’s mafia, traitor or 3P but I’m completely fucked now.

About 2%

I’m obviously Geyde



Cause if Memes is some public Rolecop Jester I need to figure that out.

What makes you think it was Memes?

Mainly cause he was pushing me the most and then that pops up.

It could be someone else but I’m mainly suspecting memes here.