Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Wait so you are hardclaiming Doctor/Ascetic?

Because ascetic specifically prevents investigations.

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it probably is

what of it


nobody believes that youā€™re an ascetic doctor and i dont believe that you believe anyone does

yea i just wanted to pat my own back for guessing you in like 3 posts but if ur gonna just say it its less fun

sup nerd

I donā€™t follow.

Basically I canā€™t be targeted expect by kills.
So not only can other Protectives not target me if there are others but I canā€™t be watched either so Mafia basically gets a free kill on me.

If Memes was mafia and pushing you, what would he gain from outing your role like that?

Then how would anyone have learned your role yet?

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Lol he just outed himself

Iā€™m presuming maybe he thought I could have been a role that he can call wolfy.
Thatā€™s my guess, I personally have no idea Iā€™m just frustrated that Iā€™m outed.

VOTE: Zorvo

I donā€™t believe that claim, and I think heā€™s a wolf because heā€™s using it to push agenda.


what agenda?

Pushing Memes.

Bruh! I caught a wolf in their first post! Letā€™s gooooo!

Well considering I canā€™t be targeted at night expect by kills and this happened during the day Iā€™m going to assume itā€™s a day ability or else this game is bastard.

Iā€™m not a wolf but Iā€™m thinking you might be though.

Could also be Jester if you did this.

I mean he pushed me and my role got outed so.

is omgus really an agenda?

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

I legit self resolve tonight so pushing the god damn Doctor is wolfy AF.

damn i didnt think id unretire and want to policy someone 4 hours into my first game back and yet here i am