Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

It’s a stupid one, but yes.

I did a little trolling

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Why do you not believe it?

Cause someone revealed it with clown emoji’s?

I am slowly starting to think though that Memes is Town actually and Rue is the wolf or Katze.

because im like 98% sure you wrote both of those modposts

alongside the mechanical inconsistency rue pointed out, although i guess you could argue night ascetic/day actions

also also literally nobodys reaction to the modposts was one that demonstrated an ounce of belief and youre playing it off like its the end of the world

ive literally seen you get D1ed as a full doctor and care less


Bruh, ascetic is a passive ability thst works at day and night and it specifically prevents you from getting targeted! Even by modposts actions!

So you going along the way means that you are the modposter, who didnt think your gambit through.

LMAO like this is memes worthy, im gonna makes loads of memes out of you.


Bold of you to assume I did it when I have no such power, I am literally the Asetic Doctor

this seems dumb and unproductive and we should probably just ignore the modposts and move on with our lives

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Nah my friend.

This is wolf.

VOTE: sufdaddy

Not sure about this.

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Do you want me to go off on an extremely boring tangent about why you’re wrong

Because I can

Wolf Wolf Wolf

Alright guys. Watch out because anything that Zorvo,posts from now on is anti-spew or truth wolfing.

Ascetic makes it impossible to be targeted by anything other than kills, the modpost wouldnt have worked!