Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

That’s annoying


No. SPF is still alive.

I mean Hally

never mind i am stupid

but yeah we are evaluating this differently because i’m evaluating the skill difference between the wagons and their positions in the game and you’re evaluating the consequences based on spew

i think if the wolfteam mostly comprises of afk people (which i think except for one or two, it does) they cannot afford to let one of the non-afk wolves die, regardless of how many people the alternative clears or whatever

Had no clue it was a copypasta either my jaw was on the floor :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

ngl i dont remember that happening, just kinda spitballed names on the top of my head

im not really sure where i wanna go today im probably gonna dip and do a full reads reset at some point but those two names stuck to me more because spf buried him and me/visor had convos about him

I’m not reading into the role being ai

his posts are wolfy

i asked why you think it’s wolfy and you just said “because it’s wolfy” so uh

yeah i can’t really do anything to change your mind about that

So Heinsemberg’s role was a manipulation madness, a big hit to bus.

I find it extremely unlikely that a wolf when faced with Heisenburg/Zorvo wagons would put a lame vote on Heisenburg and would then white knight for Zorvo unless they were both mafia.

I find it extremely unlikely that a wolf faced with Heisenburg/Zorvo/Gyrlander wagons would immediately get aggressive and then spend most of their posts pushing back only on those pushing against them.

Why breaking bad characters

i know

but i saw people say they think the role is wolfy

it can easily go both ways

i thought he used it in a villagery way as described earlier but given it looks like the role is more complex than i first thought im not sure if it applies

so i kinda think any reads on him exclusively revolving around his role are flawed, but im not discrediting any pushes on his posting

im p conflicted on him rn

which afks do you want to kill Howard

me going to dvc and seeing i pushed exclusively villagers


How tf can you post on two accounts at the same. Time

VOTE: eevee

@eevee pls play the game in some capacity ily :heart:

eevee for reasons i’ve stated mainly being a lack of motivation after claiming he wanted a town rand

prophylaxis/ruby for similar reasons. still haven’t gotten round to reading ruby’s posts so maybe that’ll change but no one is exactly screaming they are a villager

the others i’m not sure on

…guys how do I unvote


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