Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Whether or not I put her on my town list.

Am I wolfread or neutral :pleading_face::pleading_face:

also lol opening geydes iso makes me wanna vote zorvo again

i refuse to do this to myself, someone else please deal with that can of worms

A bit too conscious of what other people think about you, don’t you think?

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Curiosity did kill the cat, so maybe I should back off

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I liked what Arctic had to say

Kinda I guess confidence and going against the flow? I’m dumb

I mean I did think “okay well if he’s a wolf he could be pocketing me” at some points but I never really gave it more thought after

how’d jackrito get on there?

@Zorvo can you post another mod message today

He’s a funny little magic man and I wanted to make my son happy

Rokon = Nightingale

I felt you saying “Calling for people to vote who you were suspecting at the time and getting annoyed at people not listening to you” was basically what you were doing.

I might’ve misinterpreted what was going on but it felt that way.

Day 1, not today.

What do you mean by liked the wagon

I was in a private chat, knew exactly what gif she sent you and spf and then killed her


Oh, i read more into it than that. Yes that tracks. Thank you.


Also yay in still top of the list:)

This feels like you’re trying to kafkatrap me into saying something that makes me look bad and not figure out my alignment so I will not be treating this question seriously

Reasons. :wink: