Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

hard not to when you’re so goddamn intelligent and have so many wonderful things to say

But can he outpost my D1 of 500 posts lol

why is he not with arctic?

anyways banter aside

I’m pretty sure you said you thought I was villagery earlier

How does me not being a wolf with arctic or zack make me a villager

it’s a suicide pact if he is lol

Yes I can and I have

You are merely a disciple

A neophyte

I possess true power

No it really isn’t

Me and arctic haven’t really been all that buddy buddy

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why exactly is Min a wolf other than the fact their ISO is a wet fart

my problem with Min is that generally when they’re a wolf their ISO is kinda wet farty

i expect Min to set my house on fire for this but it’s true

i’ve already said who i think the wolves are
i’ll concede the other points, but i don’t think the post where you claimed came across as something you really thought hard about so shrug

i think fundamentally my problem with night and arctic is that I don’t think they’re together however I feel like they’re both trying to kinda appeal to me in the same way that Geyde was

If I had to pick one it would be Night because I liked how arctic basically kinda refused to jump on Ruby but now he’s doing this shit where he’s like “we should kill Ruby for the info” which is gross

almost like i have been calling both of you mafia for most of the game


100% confident town, no rescind, no tinfoil
Brad :two_hearts:

town but tinfoil prone and not confident

null aka like be useful to sort

low key sideeyeing

high key sideeyeing

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ok honestly if they wre w/w together theyd have done some really dumb shit with their matching usernames almost 100%

but i think their play is just unaligned? im more confident in you two being unaligned but like

ghana/arctic unalign is weird. it feels right to me, i dont think ghana has the balls to answer questions for arctic constantly either

shrug the fact im strugglign to articulate it means it probably isnt good but i think hes town ok :wowee:

currently in my head im living in a world where its exceedingly likely zack/arctic arent v/v so the level 0 conclusion is that if i think you fit with neither that you’re prob just v

this is so lazy lol

what’s your take on what happened at eod if you think katze is town and wolves were on heisenberg

if wolves were bussing heisenberg then what was i doing as a wolf trying to get people to vote katze

Thots on my reads list

@BradLand @spf @Achromatic @katze

if I answer why you think that will it break it

Me in the same category as Ghana and Eevee… 🫠