Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

why are you reading me as v so easily?

If Arctic flips w, turbo night not min.


Fun fact, I responded to all posts directed at me.
Only one person thought to talk to me directly.

VOTE: eevee

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who do you want to kill if i flip town


Eevee is a being of pure ego and i think thats nai

@eevee is min scum?

iirc people like zack and visor are calling him a wolf (irrespective of my alignment)

there’s a good chance if i die he will be shaded for the treatment of my slot which more or less comes down to him thinking i was town but not defending me

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here is the cliffnotes version of the case

i mean your treatment of me is hot garbage so it is the main issue i have, yes

your day 1 is like, wolfsidey as all fuck, at no point do i feel you ever try to solve several key players

your reads on certain players (namely your read on min) doesnt really make sense to me

i briefly considered whether or not you TMIed seth/heisen as wolves but really i think you just TMIed geyde wolf in several of your posts

you dont ever try to solve him you just think he is default a wolf and make w/w reads based off of this extremely early for no reason but you nevr really once sit and say “hey guys i think heisen is a wolf”

and then when eod approaches with w/v wagons you go like “uwu actually i think hes a villager cuz of #threadstate and #bullshit”

even before this you try pretty hard to discredit pushes on him by insinuating that eliza is a 3p role – something that i struggle to parse as genuine due to the fact i know you’ve seen astand games – and this starts from pretty early in the day

when it comes to “posts you couldn’t fake as a wolf” like ive said a thousand times why do you think i am struggling so hard to fucking read you and keep hedging on you (something you constantly remind me of when you keep saying im a wolf!)

you do have posts i think are very villagery! i have said as such! you have posts that suck hot garbage! you have several posts that come from perspectives that i simply do not think you’d have if you are a villager

because you are reading me the exact same way you read me every single time when you are a villager without fail

right on down to asking me why i townread you so easily

this happens every time

Ping me with questions so I can answer them when I’m done with work

It’s not ego.

But it was entertaining waking up and see you get mad at me not appearing in thread between like midnight and 6 am.
That was… pointless pressure, lol.

Plus appearing back then when you were all going crazy about me not appearing would… only make it harder for me. Letting it chill down was easy way for you to figure out focusing on other stuff is also good.

As per question - I’m sheeping a townie.

i think regardless of arctics alignment ghana is v likely a villager

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me in thread rn

help sufdaddy see the light

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If katze v ghana is almost certainly fine and any arguments to the contrary being met with resistance.

In w you worlds he sheeped you too much day 1

In v he defended you plenty. At times he didnt even let you defend yourself which annoyed me. Maybe my v read of ghana is biasing me but without an iso i see no reason to make that jump and visor and zach are silly to do so tbh.

Ghana just seems fine in all worlds lol

“dude just trust me”

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