Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

is there a reason for this other than artic pushing me a bunch?

I am having trouble finding ruby’s town heart beat myself which is an all together different thing. Nothing she says sticks to me as compelling or interested. Which is a bit of an intangible read but one i have found wolf indicative over the years.

But posting flawed arguments like yours if ruby flips v is how you get turboed lol

You are not asking me but you are def not a pussy wolf, neither is Katze.

What do you think of Arctic who thinks katze pussy wolfs?

yeah ur probably right I just saw she was wolfreading me and went “lol lmao” because that’s how basically every wolf I push reacts towards me

basically just immediately trying to fling as much shit as they can to try and discredit me

i think what arctic meant is that katze was having an off game not that she was a bad wolf

bestie I’m literally going to die tomorrow

delusions madam delusions

in that world i feel like you’re the one doing the least about a potential v/v thunderdome + you’re both pushing eachother

not entirely a BoP read on you cuz those are cringe but more than zero of that

I didnt see it this way. If anything i pointed her towards you by asking her to rank her voters so she was always going have a starting sample of a narrow list of names.

At first she had me and gyr under you so it wasnt immediate at least.

[he’s pointlessly trolling]
[as opposed to trolling with a purpose]
[mobile so quoting is messy but in regards to arctic]
[his response to you doming him was like]
[textbook wolf]
[for that situation]
[not answering the last question]
[said i wasn’t engaging with it]
[that extends to that]

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this sounds like a reply to arctic but why eevee

also since you’re not replying

i can see both sides of the nightingale alignment in an arctic v world, but id lean towards going back to “they were villagery af earlier and are in fact, not w/w with arctic” and say they’re prob v

but wouldnt be super shocked if wrong

thats also very typically

thats why I said shit flinging not tunneling or omgusing

they don’t immediately try to dumpster me back they either put me in the middle of the PoE because they “don’t think my content is good” or spend the rest of their ISO nitpicking my posts

they don’t typically get combative with me unless they’re in danger of dying or someone calls them on it

I think for this game to be productive we flip arctic today, i get you sorted in mason chat over night, and then day 3 we come in with a game plan tbh

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[first two were eevee]
[rest arctic]

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Ah well meta involvement i can only shrug then lol.

have you talked about these reasons previously? sorry i haven’t done a lot of backreading since last night because i’ve been travelling the entire day

you’ve been kinda playing like a wet rag for most of the day so if katze is w or they’re both v it’s very eyebrow raising

even more if ruby is w


if arctic flips W i expect to be #lackclaire and if he flips V then i expect to #fuckingdie

in the latter world i will try to formulate some master plan on how to proceed after i die but i will have to accept the hit to my ego first

I like master plans.

I think if i am being honest this day 2 feels super too dramatic for me lmao. We all are acting like we didnt powerful wolf day 1. Stretch, get some water, and relax. If we flip v today its not game ending we are still ahead of the curve. I feel like there is this sick pressure in the thread and people are tense. That is how it feels.

Going to be a long game for some people. Relax.

I didn’t troll a single post this game?