Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Do you scum read Katze now?

How are you feeling about wagons atm?

(I am pleased)

Did we play together before OutedWolf?

Not all options.
Tho I donā€™t think pulling other options out is a good idea.


Anyway. Discussion requires 4 Cs.
Contact, Code, Communique and Context.

Convincing others requires another 4.
Clarity, Coherence, Control and Credibility.

Iā€™m not going to try to lead lynch, considering currently I have no credibility.

But as long as there is contact, I think itā€™s pretty obvious Iā€™m here to contribute.

But again, it took you over 24 hours for thread (as in general) to notice there is contact to me and stop complaining about lack of such.


i think katze is more villagery than arctic and min which is why i am pushing both of them (partly because they also tried to wagon me as a counter to the wolf)

but if im wrong on one or both of them then its v possible katze is just going into thermonuclear wolf mode ala the org game

rn shes like neutral/mild lean town - esp cause i think arctic and min are likely wolves

part of the problem with my read there is katze is 100% a theater type wolf so i can totally see them going at it to get one clear, but that would mean d1 makes zero sense so i dont think thats the case

Hey I do that kind stuff to.

Yay we similar!

we palyed one game, you died d1

we did not interact afaik - except for me to tell you to stop insulting ppl

we were v/v

4 Cā€™s.

I did something like that but probably not Cā€™s.

I think itā€™s the chop chop method thing.

Do you remember the name of that game?

I am aware Achro was joking th ā€œfreeing by killingā€.
Iā€™m just not in mood for such irony atp.

at the bottom of the deep blue C C C C

cog psy on the syndicate

i think katzes posts vs arctic are pretty tonally pure fwiw

Was it this game or how do you know about this?

i was in that game yes

Ah ok

I hate to admit it but you made me laugh here

Yes, and if we as a thread were responsible for your participation that would fall on us. However, that is your responsibility as a player.

You claim you are in some way enjoying this game but you have nothing to show for that.

I do not have an active scum case on you, but at least arctic and ruby are trying and there are people who see something villagery in them. You are just a void of content. It is bothersome and i dont think anyone here should have to devote themselves to playing a game with you if you dont want to play with us.


I am not one for policy lynches, but given game state i am willing to make an exception for you.


do you have anything you want to say to me

Iā€™m leaving the ball in your court because as a player who was kinda in your position at sod I understand it seems impossible to dig yourself out of

Iā€™m going to bed now but Iā€™ll stay up for a bit if anyone wants to ask me questions