Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

madam you have 160 posts and it’s 9 o’clock and I’m fat and ugly because I ate 20 pounds of butter chicken

please just give me the abridged version

i don’t really have a proper read on them but they are comfortable enough otoh

that’s interesting because they posted their red rolecard in thread

min has passed the vibecheck


I’m pretty sure that I’m basically the only person who objects to Sadbi in which case I’ll let this horse die

dislike Misty’s ISO for basically the same reasons as geyde, feels like they’re posting a lot of filler and what their actual thoughts are don’t actually have any coherent substance to them

I’m not a madam. I’m nonbinary. Please respect that.

Here’s my explanation

are you just going to keep sending cringing gifs to the towniest things in my iso lol

the towniest things in your iso are the gaps between the posts

sorry thought you went by she/her

i don’t really understand what you mean about memes, this seems like pretty basic guillo for both alignments and he is an extremely cred grabby player. I’d expect him to dip if he caught a wolf because he felt like king of shit mountain as a villager

Basically memes in g5 of champs and last fol game, both where he caught wolf D1, he stayed in the thread the whole D1 to solve and not just dip out. Yes he bragged but not like this.

I have iso’d katze and i see no summary for me so far. Disappointing. @katze

Also i now have to write down names of alts ergh. Why do people do this to me. Be good and just dont out them so i can have fun not guessing x(

@spf is it ai that katze has not been a good assistant so far?

@eevee have you mech solved the game yet? If not why are you claiming wolf?

Someone elevator pitch me on someone to murder today. I assume by asking this broadly many people will give me information and i will go from there.

Please quote or noftify me though as day with partner isnt completely over. Thanks.

Ps divinity original sin 2 is based.

ok i concede that was a good one

but also if i were to :sparkles: selfmeta :sparkles: that bit you just quoted is probs the most >rand v thing in my iso

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He didn’t do this in g5 and his last fol game which are all recent.

if i gave you a summary it’d be biased so go read up on your own

i strongly believe seth perspective slipped and nobody seems to agree with me for example

… yes. I wanted a biased read, katze. I thought this was obvious lol x)

I’ve played with him recently and this game is basically identical to every time I’ve seen him play

I’m pretty sure I’ve played and spectated a lot with him more than you have

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him pussy village, only pussy wolf but he did that pretty rarely

This is rich, coming from you.

Back to work, I’ll be around in about two hours.

Pussy village? Pussy wolf?

What I’m saying he claimed his pelt and is dipping out of the game till D2. No motivation or care to solve. It is coming from a wolf that wants townie points for the catch without any work or effort.