Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

I think it’s still possible your wolf but I’m also taking into consideration your just real tunnelled town.

Technically your Rand V because your reads are bad.

Is that even a catch though.

Like. The only correct response is some form of playing it off lol

No watcher will be on me, I’m a free kill.

You are not a doctor because you cant be ascetic, ascetic works day and night pal. Next time get your facts straight before fake claiming!


I didn’t have any feelings about Gaul yet, I was mostly filtering his posts out from early on.

Does this answer your question, or do you want me to ISO him and give my thoughts?

Ok I’ll admit it I’m not Doctor.

I’m your God

Bye zorvo

Hello Acheo

does that mean all atheists are obligated to vote you

VOTE: Hally

Are you a wolf?


Oooooo fun!

VOTE: Hally

Do you have a problem?
They your partner?

Not this time, friend.

nah, no need to force thoughts if you don’t have any yet. just post what comes naturally imo

it just clearly seems like something not worth talking about 2 me


Now to find his scummy partners, now the hard work starts.

i’m dead tired but does anyone wanna talk about anything/have any questions while im around rn?