Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Vote Count

Memes (3): Sadbi, BradLand, sufdaddy
katze (3): min, SaulGoodman, nightingale
Zorvo (2): Memes, Achromatic
Hally (2): Rue, Zorvo
nightingale (2): katze, spf
Heisenberg (1): eliza
GaulSoodman (1): Heisenberg
spf (1): Hally
Rue (1): GaulSoodman
min (1): Outedwolf

Not Voting (8): eevee, Gorta, guavagudetama, Gyrlander, HowardHamlin, Jackrito, Phraze, Prophylaxis

I want to reserve my read on Hally till she provides a read list tomorrow when she has a fresh mind because idk how to feel about her so far this game

Huh maybe that sufdaddy thing was a confession.

me neither nya

I will ate so hard so I can die

the state of my reads is not too unusual for a game that started less than 12 hours ago, but i am finding it a bit harder to scumhunt like i normally do due to a combination of barely sleeping the previous night + not really feeling like tryharding + finding the format of this site to be overwhelming

i’ll have a perfect solve by the end of the day tho dont worry

idk really for visor, i just didn’t want him to feel left out but he seems fine ig

i’ve agreed with zack’s takes mostly which is good enuf for me on D1

Be nice x(

that’s strike one spf

tread lightly

zack feels pretty good to me

i would not expect him to have 100+ posts as a wolf this early (shitty read ik), plus i think hes mixed in humour into his posts in a really natural way - also hasnt felt like he has been breathing down peoples necks

idk, im a little hesitant to just say hes probably a villager, but he looks fine so far to me

hally is a little lower on the totem pole, posts are fine, attitude/energy seem okay, dont seem like they feel the need to overexplain and shit, just got the vibe of chilling and hanging out (for hally anyway), fine enough for today anyway

katze still not really doing it for me, i am probably just going to step back and let them do whatever and see how i feel after d1, even if i dont think her posts today are villagery id rather give her space

achromatic, legit no idea what he is doing with his posts. i figure he is at some point going to step into a more active role but his meme posting was weird and stilted

min - mostly a gut feeling here on their posts

sabi seems fine to me (prob gonna hit 500 posts by eod)

brad seems better than last game, but last game he did nothign and then shit the bed so i dont think thats a high bar to clear. i agree w hally that his italics post read a little weird but brad just strikes me as a kinda awkward guy in general so im not gonna read into it. he seems okay enough for d1 for me

others havent really stood out to me so far in any sort of alignment indicative direction

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ive heard that eating hard things like rocks isnt good for your health
dying isnt very good for your health either
can really mess up your intestines
would not recommend

Hally/Zorvo not w/w

your read on me is so fake lol

it’s really just the fact that they repeated a variation on the same joke twice in a row like 8 minutes apart without posting anything inbetween

the timing felt awkward

oh, its mild but i think phraze villa reading a bunch of people out of the gate ans specifically not voting someone is villagery for her

dont @ me about this read its dumb

Jesus why have i been getting stilted so much lately. Do i just talk in an odd cadence or something? This is a thing now x(

Why did you expect that? What’s the story?

i actually agree that phraze has been posting towny so far even tho it sounds dumb to say

i think i had to put my dishes away and wash them and eat some cookies during that time

is this good or bad lol

i mean i definitely baited them into doing the same joke