Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2


VOTE: nightingale

Okay memes you appear to be the trying to actually play person today. I like that about you. Got any other wolves or townies based on zorvo atm?

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VOTE: katze

en guarde

everyone should lock clear me for [insert dubious self meta reason here]

if i don’t get town read immediately i’m gonna [insert wildly over the top AtE here]

can u explain visor and zack


Is this vote serious?

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they’re cool and funny people

why are they town tho

Fyi i hard claim ate shooter

First person to get too ate in this thread is getting shot if i have a gun. I have had my fill of negativity this year in mafia and its only august

I know hally was joking but lets lighten the fuck up x)

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bad read

nightingale/seth not w/w

will explain later if i remember

Suck it @BradLand

OK back to responding to this. Why do you feel like you’re struggling with having reads this game?

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if you shoot me i’ll literally cry

Sadness is allowed its mostly insults that i am done with lol

yes in the sense that i thought their posts seemed uncomfy in the moment

Plz shoot me then

I bet you would like that wouldnt you.

if you shoot me ill call the police

How so? I didn’t pick up on that at all.