Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I was JUST about to mention that.

I miss big tiddies anime waifu achro

i donā€™t

my son shouldnā€™t be going out at night dressed like that

hey, itā€™s a video game characterā€¦

yah fair

i guess i do think thereā€™s probably 1-2 wolves in achro and katze but i just donā€™t feel good about committing to that, theyā€™re super active and most people seem to townread them.

zorvo seems kinda wolfy, but I had the impression he was polarized and heā€™s been posting like 400 times a day so ā€¦ ?

just gonna run down the rest of the playerlist and give thoughts:

everyone seems to think night is villa, and theyā€™re poisoned anyway, I guess they just disagree with everything I say and think Iā€™m a wolfy bastard which hurts to think is coming from a genuine place lol, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not genuine.

brad, shrug i donā€™t feel great about his posts but apparently he is meta cleared

windy i thought had an awkward start, eevee didnā€™t do anything, but they swayed me a bit in that string of somewhat emotional posting all in a row they had earlier, especially when they voiced some unconventional reads. called katze out for wolfreading them when they have a godread on windy or something, and katzeā€™s pressure on them seemed a bit unfair.

gaul, frankly iā€™ve just assumed youā€™re a villa because your posting a morbillion times and everyone has you top town and youā€™ve actually been pretty gracious with me and iā€™d like to think that was coming from a villabro.

gorta, i guess this is their meta and they seem fine enough.

guava, i liked some of their posts, but iā€™m worried theyā€™ve just been wolfsiding, and then they kinda did nothing and bailed today.

gyrlander, i thought he was posting in an unusual enough way that he was probably a villager d1. i havenā€™t noticed him much since then, so dunno. If heā€™s town, achro pushing for his lunch late d1 while defending heisenberg, then switching to heisenberg once it looked like that wagon was pulling away for reasons that made me head tilt, looks pretty bad imo.

jack, shrug, i guess they are mech clear or something from brad.

memes, i got the impression heā€™s the kind of player that as wolf he would be going whole hog trying to control narrative etc, and him stubbornly staying on a vanity wagon eod1 while a wolf got got seems off with that. if berg/katze were w/w, probably doesnā€™t apply. gonna say heā€™s not a wolf with seth from d1 lol

min, i didnā€™t care for their d1 posts calling seth a jester instead of wolfy (seemed TMI-y, calling him wolfy without calling him a wolf), their eod1 seemed wolfy to me. arctic townread them pretty strongly, people donā€™t seem to have an issue with them, shrug.

outedwolf - made some good posts, been on the same page as me all game, made a good vote on a wolf d1. havenā€™t seen him seriously wolf in a super long time, nebulous paranoia about not wanting to be wrong on my bud, but I find no real fault from what Iā€™ve seen. Plus heā€™s fun. If heā€™s a wolf, heā€™s doing just enough to craft reasonable posts and skate by without really impacting anything.

phraze - genuinely no idea how to read this person

ruby - there was one bad post i thought looking at the iso (the one spf et all peppered them for), otherwise idk man, it could be anything. I donā€™t vibe with the confidence the thread feels on them. itā€™s been made super clear theyā€™re always dying today so I donā€™t feel thereā€™s any point in me trying to solve them, tbh.

rue - fine i guess

sadbi - fine i guess

i got lazy at the end

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howdy bronanas

i see i have a bunch of mentions, let me just clear them and pretend they never happened

ok one final question

what do you think the wolves are trying to do today

whatā€™s their game plan in your opinion

after ruby dies I mean

good response

Letā€™s check to see how much times Iā€™ve posted this day phase




taking the day off yesterday was a godsend, im gonna take today off too

sorry but i need a break and i also need to actually get work done lol

VOTE: ruby

hope weā€™re right

Wait hold up

rounding issues eh, tell me about it


Daddy issues fan club is over.

would you mind unvoting

itā€™s really dumb but I wanna talk to wind b4 end of day and weā€™re one away from hammering


nvm ty rue

GGhana get excited for our sleepover