Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

i can try
ive read basically zero of windy’s posts so

Uwu nya uwu

@GaulSoodman i officially concede any legacy on zack
i have zero clue anymore
im going to try to find the wolves if zack/visor are v/v

fuck i was hoping someone else would tell me what zack was

you know what I’m gonna do this the Roman way

I’m gonna throw a chicken off the roof of my house and see if I can determine his alignment from that

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if you feel up to it can you talk about what you did think about zack’s iso

both in and out of favour for zack

windy just feels total limp noodle imo
theres not really a spark
her iso is just hmmmmm ruby hmmmmm heisen hmmmmmm im towny guys i swear
i dont like it and i agree with the assessment that they should be heavily scrutinized or even voted

windy/achro are proooobably not w/w i dont think although im not like, totally sure because its not out of achro range to rando bus

wind w does not clear kat or vice versa

im gonna go look up some phraze games i think rq

i am pretty confident that I can see a bit of spark when I was questioning them and imo if they’re a villager I think I can cyberbully them into being villagery

have you ever seen wind sub in mid game before, what were they like

it wasnt like a super highly contested slot but like
she actually had reads
that she threw around and played off other people
she contributed to wolfreading a wolf that got elim’d that day
i could like
actually see her be villagery there

it was kinda like
just a normal wind villa game
i dont think shes villagery here

that’s something I noticed as well

there’s a big difference between subbing in day 1 and subbing in day 3 tho

but yeah reading it I noticed a big difference

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i feel like as a wolf shes kinda just wet noodle like this
using meta
its not like this is something fantastically new or unexplainable

i dont think of wind as a type of player to crack under pressure as villa

i mean cyberbullying as in I’m gonna try to get her out of her shell

so not really bullying just being annoying I guess

idk it failed with zach if it fails with wind I’ll cry

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so what’s the new dish on zach ig

i don’t reeeeally feel like zach/wind are w/w like idk it just feels way too easy

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heres an important idea to bounce off of you i think
phraze wolf

shes playing suuuuper reactively
i cant identify any wolfreads and she doesnt really state that shes wolfreading anyone with her votes
her townreads arent remotely fleshed out and she never revisits them or gives them mobility
i cant see any kind of real logic behind her posts other than… existence?

im not really confident because phrazes playstyle isnt something im used to reading
it just
might feel like to me like
theres something missing
some sort of thread of logic for how she gets to vote the players she votes for
shes filled with questions about the threadstate instead of reads and analysis of it

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i feel like at the very least shes flying utr in a way that she should not be

[this is my impression of phraze’s game]
[regardless of her alignment]
[can you talk to me a bit more about the difference there?]

yeah I basically agree

im pretty sure phraze is gonna get the axe at some point so I haven’t really given her much thought but basically everything you’ve said checks out

as far as I can tell the only townreads I’ve seen of her are borderline trust tell-y (she’s Town because she made a read once) which im not really gonna entertain for obvious reasons lol

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haters say the exact things ive been saying and they still call me mafia

pensive emoji

i know we’ve been talking about this in wolfchat where have you been