Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I really can’t answer this and that’s what’s making me realize that I might’ve fucked up.

But I don’t get how else GGhana is dead.

Yeah that’s the thing that concerns me is that we know ??? happened.

You could have been blocked by town, you could have been invested by wolf before this, you could have been a random ability thrown your way for some reason.

But I DO know that a wolf claimed your role after you revealed it to the hood.

Simple isn’t always right, and also maybe Eevee just didn’t update the team day 2 if windy is a wolf and that also resolves it. Jack though hasn’t been completely idle though so that ventures into the realm of “what sense does any of that make”

lalala i cant hear you

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visor can u confirm that you have, without a doubt, confirmation that zack is a member of the village

dont need to get into specifics just need to think about the possibilities


ive known he is a villager all game

so what ur saying is that my read that this read was bullshit is correct regardless of ur alignment


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whats your read on the gladiate

mins usage of it was bad and i almost want to kill him over wind who i think has been… kinda okay today

but im probably not going to go through with that

if you mean “is it v/v w/v or w/w” then im changing my mind a lot and am currently leaning v/v :wowee:

What was it

skimmed some wind posts in bed and they seemed pretty tonally good - i know wind would have to take a weird line like that to survive v min who hasnt been pushed much since d2 iirc, but its still hard to actually come up with good sounding posts in that situation as a wolf

making the gladiate so early really kills the momentum of the day too

idk what i actually think re either of their alignments, ive kind of just ignored min after being wrong on arctic and getting browbeaten for ages on it. eevee did nothing alignment indicative and i dont recall any wind posts frm yesterday

off the top of my head id say min more likely v than wind but i think wind has posted better today and the usage of the gladiate in this way is kinda wolfy

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achro pushing me is weird

i dont like it and would like to unsubscribe to his newsletter

its ok im currently worldbuilding visor w pocketing you


i still dont trust him fwiw

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relatable and felt similary on pmuch all of this

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‘weird’ huh

Tell me how it is weird, Visor.

Go on.

finished the heroes btw, def a great book, better than BSC i think (though i definitely enjoyed bsc)

got red country and sharp ends on hold

prob gonna take a break after those and start book 1 of malazen

spoilers do not open

[spoiler]rip black dow :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

please caul shivers redemption ONE TIME

calder not killing scale A+

i liked the nod to west near the end too, that was nice[/spoiler]

edited a blur in, for some reason writing more words cancels the spoiler


Scratch that, Min can actually be wolves with Rue