Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I was a motion detector in the last game, that’s why I didn’t want to claim this in the thread

Thought people would instayeet me assuming I was lying

Oh that part was true?

Guess that ranting was for nothing.

Yeah I said he partially lied
The role is not called motion detector but it basically is

It’s just a hybrid between a motion detector and a watcher lol

i think that makes it worse than a regular motion detector lol

Basically it’s not useful for catching the factional killing wolf, but it is useful for detecting wolf power roles, like roleblockers or protectives, because it can clear or condemn my target.

Stares off into the distance

i spose

Cause people can lie about whether they actioned or not
I was originally gonna just go ahead and claim some form of motion detector and ask people whether they actioned or not, and then “verify” it by adjusting my result count, but that plan went out the window today.

In the last game I was a mass motion detector who got a result on either the top or bottom half of the playerlist and wasn’t told which half it was
So imo that was even less useful

ya i get the point now

i was thinking of it in terms of tracker instead of figuring out targeted ppl

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Ah, yeah
Well, it’s the watcher half of the motion detector :P so it works like a watcher minus getting any names

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@min can you explain your role in more detail please

(in the previous game I claimed motion detector and so did the wolf watcher, I tried to dome him, but got talked out of it lol)

I’m heading to sleep.

Night everyone.

Technically you were like 3 for 3 thar game and no one listened.

Not even yourself. :eyes:

I don’t think it’s a significant mechanical loss if I die
I know how to use my role but I think it is considerably more beneficial to keep min alive
He has a better role, plus I get added to his rolecard, so unless he gets nightkilled it benefits us more to vote me out today. I’m assuming I don’t get anything if you guys vote min out, and then you have an outed watcher who gets anticlaimed and either killed or blocked.

you’re that confident min is v?

didn’t he go against Ruby pretty hard?