Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

No, because if I’m a wolf and I just stay afk it outs me lol

Yeah I figured, we already realized voting sleep didn’t work

I’ve been looking through Guillo’s reads to find why he’s voting min now, and found this
Gonna do a bit more digging but I wanna remind myself later on that this is probably a talking point

I do think it’s a bit ironic that Guillo wolfcased katze but is voting with her on min
Maybe this was already discussed
Actually it probably was but it was at the point where I didn’t really give a shit what was going on in the thread lol

It’s eevee
If he gets frustrated, he gets frustrated and posts about being frustrated
I am pretty sure I came into the thread and did the exact same thing eevee did fwiw, refused to give takes and complained people were talking about me but not with me
So I agree on that much with eevee, but it certainly doesn’t help the rest of you to solve me. And I don’t think it’s AI from either of us. Also I wasn’t gonna tell you guys the reasons I was too busy to lead town when I subbed in because I figured it would just go down a rabbithole of “eevee and wind both made excuses” so I literally didn’t want to do that.
Im done multitabling now, though, so all’s good.

Meh I’m trying to sort out Guillo and I think I’m even more confused than I was initially
I have no wolf meta on him and I think he just sounds like he did in the last two town games I played with him
But then my readlist is 100% fucked because I have no solid scumreads outside if katze
And if I’m wrong on katze then I literally have nothing rn

Gonna focus on work for a bit but I need to do something about my PoE
I don’t think the wolves in this game are just potatoing around so there’s gotta be a deepwolf or two (and I say that because we’ve already flipped two) but at the same time I’m not gonna just tear up my townreads and paranoia push them because that’s probably even worse.

See this is the sort of useless stuff I’ve been dumping into hood chat instead of the thread
You’re welcome

It’s possible for everyone to just unvote and then a no-elim should occur, if I understand the OP correctly
But if we do that it’ll make min really, really mad so I think it’s better to just flip me lol

Cause then you lose the use of a motion detector but I can still talk via min until min dies

So that’s ok

You realize it doesn’t matter. You WILL flip today. You can pretend to be Town until the end and give us all your reads, thoughts and whatever the hell you want. But, the moment you get lynched and flip Wolf, everyghing you have said today will be classified as bullshit. Waste of time if you’re Wolf, don’t you think?

Well, no, because I just figured out if nobody votes at all then I think it cancels the gladiate

Or It gets RNG’d between you two. Ask the host.

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But maybe that’s a fair point considering I didn’t realize that until now

I highly, highly doubt that min will ever take his vote off me

You know the dumb part about the early gladiation
It’s not stopping discussion and solving from happening elsewhere
But there’s gonna be no vote movement to watch because we’re all locked into either voting between min and me, or unvoting.

Thank you

Exactly. He has been heavily reprimended for this.

Yeah I know lol
I think that’s probably the only complaint I have about it, though
I think he’s been faulted too much for other reasons I disagree with

BTW a no-elimination still results in a rand between min and me so never mind what I said


Because man’s been pushing ruby for two days.

I seriously think your miss clearing Rue.

I mean the dude been voting Ruby like all game from my understanding.

Grylander trying to do this is Townie AF.

Considering @WindwardAway and @min can easily both be town

Again my PoE: Memes, Rue, Sufdaddy and Openwolf