Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

You pretending you have any credibility to establish and push a PoE is silly.
Your reads are garbage or you have been powerwolfing and people are letting you because this is your standard as town, the expectations from people about your play are so low that they townread you for it man.

For example you think im www with Zack and Visor after i questioned their survival, both their survival. For what purpose i put both of my partners under scrutiny like that after having lost two already. Like man, think.

And Rue and I, you think that by this point if we were both scum we wouldn’t have made big efforts to distance ourselves and look unpartnered? We are both villa or one of is pocketing the other, it is never w/w.
It is more credible that you are distancing from her if she is a wolf than i am partnering with her. We both know it is true because you did it in Valorant.

And you, you think as scum i would be pushing you and sussing you if you were town here? No, i keep you alive, let you create chaos, seed discord amongst your peers, validating your thoughts to look partnered with you in case i flip first so town associates you with me post flip, provide you support so you feel you are on the right track so you do the dirty work for my faction. You are never night kill material in this game if you are town, just like im never night kill material either, I’m a mischop.

Btw has katze claimed anything?

I appreciate you.

Yeah she claims something that let’s her know brad was roleblocked last night or close to it. She’s been vague.

Am I the only one who full claim with role and flavor name?

Oh right, I forgot.

What kind of bullshit role is that. Underpowered as hell.

I’m willing to give you my name if you wish

Hmm really?
I have called town correctly so far. (You could argue the day 1 wolf wagon but I seriously don’t understand why no one was fighting against that wagon other then me and Arctic.)
My read on GGhana have been wrong but give or take there are only so many wolves.
I have voted and push Ruby.

Just like Zorvo is voting with Rue on you? Yah it’s ironic, what about it?

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Me and Arctic legit thought it was town because we both agreed the zero resistance and the wagon staying there was ridiculous.

I went over this. Would you like me to bold it to have it stuck inside your brain.

@Sadbi can you actuslly please Tell me your flavor name?

Dude just look at my posts in my iso and type “Min” in search and then all my posts involving “Min”

You’ll see my entire thought process meemes



Or wolf claim.

Bro, you voted Katze on day 1 counter to Heisenberg, if im a wolf for avoiding Heisenberg to vote you as town. You could be a wolf for trying to save Heisenberg if Katze is town here. You were super wrong about GGhana, you never reevaluated her, i did think she was powerwolfing fir a bit but i reevaluated and found her that she didnt deserve to be in my PoE, i thought they just were arrogantly trying to control the thread to push her view ignoring the will of the collective, that is why i said “i will not acknowledge your leadership”, implying that i found her townie but i didnt trust her leading approach, she was being disruptive and petty against those that didnt share similar views and called them bad town.

The fact that they got night kill even though scum could profit from that leadership is because they were either were very close about someone or just the opposite, they had garbage reads that scum can use to further agenda.

In that case whete is Katze in your PoE?


I hardclaim Beatrice, the Endless Witch.

Eh, fair point tbh
It’s not exactly like you guys have a lot of options

Ohhh so that’s why you were talking about soup
I thought that was just a funny way to talk about it lmao

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