Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

You would literally rather lose and that’s funny! Your view and vote makes zero sense. Even if you thought me and wind were both villagers you are willing to kill me over her and lose so much

Nah… they are going to flip me instead, do you think town!Sadbi aggro will not be back when they are no longer in danger of dying to my bomb? That tunnel will be back no worries.

Memes I literally saved you from being tunneled today LMAO

I want katze out next
I will be dead so it won’t matter
But if katze isn’t dead tonight then she has to die tomorrow

This is not a townie post.

A game is not solved based on mechanics only, most of it is solved in the thread.

Cry about it

I’m not making posts to be towny as town and I never will

I’m especially not going to try and appeal to people telling me to go fuvk myself but y’all don’t care because none of you have used more than 2 braincells this entire game

And… what? You cant be scum white knighting me? To make me look associated? Why did you stop the tunnel? Do you townread me enough for that?

Oh wait… you mean cause of your gladiate, yah it does not do me any favors, i was willing to die today.

Wait so… Wind. You have 2 flavors? Like, you have your main flavour as your rolecard separate from the flavour that everyone can see in the neigbourhood? Or are they connected?

The irony of this comment. Two wrongs dont make it right min

But you did in Valorant. You were obvious town

Nah its just one flavor
I mean the hood name is directly tied to my role flavor
there is an image in the hood of our three characters

If you want to use mental gymnastics on why I can be scum still yet hand out the most stupid town locks on people bc you’re friends with them then I don’t want to be in a game with any of you lol

Go lose, I don’t care. I’m tired of doing everything a villager is supposed to do while nobody has to even remotely put in the same amount of effort. I’ve given my case, I’ve explained my worldview. I’m not doing anything else. Iso me.

In case it wasn’t obvious: I did not wish to insult you. It was more a fun “fuck you”. I didn’t mean any offense.

I don’t care

You reply like you do, if you didnt care, you wouldnt say it.

Which is why I said, my flip will out the flavors of Brad and Jack
I know this is the case because they said something about the image in the hood chat and eevee did not, so they definitely noticed on their own.

Then not anyone could be inside the neigbourhood, right? If your role flavor and the hood flavor is connected, it means not anyone could be in It. It should be people Who could, somehow, be connected.

Ur town bro

Like in terms of alignment solving, none of this matters because none of it is outing. But if there is a flavor anticlaim then it’s a little bit problematic.