Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Idr who else he gave abilities to, I think he said he wouldn’t tell us

He said he copied eliza’s role and gave it to someone I think

iirc gave it to guava

which if u wanna go super duper tinfoil mode

guillo is right and the team is sabi min guava

(i believe this like, literally 0%)


I don’t know what to think about guava so tbh I don’t have any input on that

Eliza’s role…the predict the lynch gimmick…uh…what was the point to it?

Some kind of reward if you predict correctly?
I guess if guava is using it today he’s gonna have an easy win

Wait actually idk if you have to submit your prediction during the night before

Have to check Eliza’s role but I’ll do it later

“a ritual will be performed with effects depending on their role”



How mysterious

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How valuable!

And to top that off she died immediately so we have no fucking clue what that did!

Yeah lol

I iso’d her when I subbed into the game and I remember seeing her claim that she assumed she would get some sort of reward from correctly predicting the elimination but she didn’t seem entirely sure

I mean if it’s like “predict the elimination correctly and then you die” it would be pretty fucking wild lol

why is guava or min a villager

open question to anyone

cfd min gogogo

Min I think is town because I think he was in a comfortable thread position as a wolf, and wouldn’t need to waste a gladiate to get me out and also out himself. And yes, this take is considerably less valuable if either Memes or Jack is a wolf, because both of them were the other two wagon contenders today. (fwiw I don’t think Memes and min are paired anyway)

Guava idfk I just don’t think he’s done anything so I don’t see anything barring him from being scum.

how would gladiating you out themself?

i dont understand this read

Idk, are you guys really gonna make me reevaluate min? :sweat_smile: