Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

((everyone knows my role

No, the host didnā€™t say such thing and perhaps the host doesnā€™t realise we have things to Discover. Not recommended is not impossible.

Town bluffing executioner is the full name on my role card

Gyrlander, you donā€™t know more about the game than the host does and trying to imply like you do comes off as strangely motivated. Like I donā€™t buy Rueā€™s suspicion of you as genuine but maybe sheā€™s trying to distance given she coughed up her flavor easily enough.

Asking everyone to claim their flavor on day 6 of a day instead of trying to solve is uhhh suspicious.

Do you really think Iā€™m evil? Iā€™m literally the only KP claim. Do you think thereā€™s no Town KP this game? You can start believing me

@Zorvo hi, you know Gyr

Does he usually overly care about flavor? Heā€™s coming off fucking weird right now. Please consult.

Okay, then just solve lol.

Itā€™s not exactly a hard request ;o

We havenā€™t played any hidden setup ever so he wouldnā€™t have any idea.

Solve the game? Damn wanna ask me to bring you the Moon as well?

then why did you nonchalantly claim your flavor when this was obviously what he was doing?

((basically like
((i think the wolves are trying to leverage zorvoā€™s tunnel on me to get me killed today
((i told sabi this in jail chat
((i feel like thats literally just exactly what achro and katze are doing rn

I didnā€™t realize he cared that much about everyoneā€™s flavor lol

I am just used to claiming this late

Just keep pulling my leg and you might explode :slight_smile:

Moon would be nice tbh

I mean youā€™ve already claimed 2 town kills, I guess a third wouldnā€™t hurt

Iā€™m Eva Ushiromiya if it wasnā€™t clear

gonna be out for awhile

Yeah Iā€™m more of a Support player than a DPS.

((dont like this threadstate
((feels like a distraction
((jack gorta basically has to have 1-2 via unaligns
((want thoughts there

I prefer ADC.

I was pretty good with miss fortune years back
