Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

jacks sidelining yesterday just struck me as wolfy

((take me + zorvo villagers
((gyr probably villa on setup
((leaves kat achro visor zack jack gorta sabi
((think sabi probably just a villager here
((kat / achro not aligned with visor zack
((feel like its just one of those pairs and jack gorta maybe?

What Rue will do to you if you donā€™t vote for them:

You donā€™t wanna get shot down

Tbh Iā€™d murder Rue just because her role is literally useless

((this is absolutely the worst way to approach this phase

still dont rly think its gorta but also atp hes earned the right to be MLed this game

Min and Wind said, no demanded we vote in you or Rue today

Would you like me to fucking bring it up?

and min and wind said me and rue could be v/v later



I for one welcome Rue murder tbh


Sorry Katze but thereā€™s more than one scum left, no need to get picky.

rue isnt lock bronana

Like if your role literally only consists of painting roles itā€™s even worse than Memes. You are even detrimental as painting only confuses people.

Yeah but who is scum if not rue

walk me through your list?

Nothing stops wolves being Rue/Outedwolf/Grylander.

Although I guess you can argue that if Grylander isnā€™t town then where did our KPN go.

I could just be wrong on Rue but I really doubt it.

Either way are only votes for today is Rue or Katze and I honestly donā€™t care which one of them goes over.

I donā€™t think anyone can actually be confused the card still says town lol

((why does that matter at this point in the game