Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I asked why you thought it not if it was serious or not.

VOTE: Katze

i, again, am questioning if we’re reading the same game if you think this is ever a viable team

I don’t see why it can’t be?

i see blatantly fake modpost

i see memes tunnel it like crazy

i make a shitty joke

seems pretty simple to me broski

Considering you desperately wanna vote Sufdaddy over the higher chance of being wolf OutedWolf.

Vote Count

katze (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (9): Gyrlander, katze, Gorta, Jackrito, Outedwolf, Rue, Sadbi, sufdaddy, Achromatic

VOTE: Outedwolf

Zorvo, Katze asked me to look into both Outedwolf and sufdaddy our first night in the neighborhood together. Regardless of anything else, I don’t think a wolf katze shows interest in doing that with me if they are aligned with either one of them.


likely v

prob v

g2h v

prob w

likely w

that’s about where i’m at gn

Eh I suppose that’s fair but I still don’t take it out of consideration.

Again as I said (OutedWolf - Rue - Katze) (- if all 3 of them are town I’ll quit mafia

That’s how confident I am 1 flips wolf

i mean yes it is mathematically extremely likely that you are correct

if outedwolf flips v, it clears me

if i flip v, they can still push outedwolf

thats it

I know this seems like another “oh Seth thing” but could I have your reason for Rue please.



But “oooo Seth is shit” right?

im not going to have an ego battle with you

I tell myself to not cuss much anymore and what do I do.

Cuss much.

((people disagreeing with you isn’t a personal attack zzz