Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

That’s not true OML.

Do you not read my posts?

I’ll admit I miss stuff I’m not being hypocritical lmao.

I’m sorry if I seem like an egotistical jerk but I honestly ain’t trying to be.

I’m trying to play for my win con and state my thoughts and make sure we vote out wolves.

Damn this game be feeling like the game currently going on at another site I cannot talk about.


I know, but it doesn’t matter if you guys see me townie or not. You can’t lynch me. We need to find the rest. I’m going to do it using role abilities. If I receive Outedwolf message at the beginning of the night I won’t ignite him, as I can’t truly imagine a witch having that kind of role. Plus sufdaddy sounds towny enough.

I firmly believe that, at least, there is a Witch role with Investigative capabilities. That would leave 1 or 2 more witches with God knows what abilities (considering the other 2 witches had… many different abilities). THat makes it extremely hard to solve the game using roles.

However, I really cannot believe a Town has a role that LITERALLY only paints names of rolecard with no utility whatsoever. Like, if I had that role I would literally not even use it. It would only create chaos. I find it easy to believe that players that are painted suffer some kind of “curse” that affects them without them knowing. Therefore… Rue is the right choice for me right here!

Irritating when people start getting mad at me and say I’m being egotistical when all I’m trying to do is win the game.

I really really REALLY care about winning a game.


Zorvo, give me your flavour name, please!



Like, I can’t really check because I’m playing Umineko right now and I kinda spoiled myself on accident so I didn’t read much, but certainly you cannot be claiming to be Featherine.


Search “featherine umineko” and read just a bit. I’ll I read is that she is a witch form. :)

uh… it says shes a witch???

Yes. And Zorvo just conveniently dissappeared :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  1. This is the luckiest slip of them all
  2. Zorvo trolled us and searched for random witch names (although I believe it’s not an obvious one, Featherine)
  3. astand is just a troll and has prepared to make us suffer until the end.

i dont think zorvo is the kind to troll like this

(and the fact he has just… disappeared is weird)

surely if he was trolling hed be here memeing it up

has anyone flipped town that doesnt make sense flavourwise so far?