Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Nope. Everyone makes sense.



" Flavor is alignment-indicative and may or may not be role-indicative. Non- Town players are provided with fake flavors. Attempting to flavor solve the game is not recommended."

ā€¦ did he really just slip?

I went to go do dishes, that is my flavour name and my character is a witch (or looks like one) but Iā€™m town aligned.

NVM, I canā€™t know for sure as I donā€™t want to spoil myself. Youā€™ll have to check by yourself. Town Ritualist may be kind of suspicious.

It literally is the name of a wolf role
ā€œPuppet masterā€ but instead of an account I do mod posts

My neighbourhood are a grey line imo. Our characters work for the witches, but also techinally hunt them.

My flavour actually says Iā€™m a majestic witch

my flavour is very similar to theirs

i am also furniture

consider this

we either lose by MLing zorvo and thus i was right to tell gyr that flavorsolving was a bad idea

or i was right day 1 that zorvo perspective slipped and nobody cared

this game is now a moral victory for me regardless of the wolves ty

I liked Grylander reaction though to hearing my flavour name and noticing it is a witch so yeah heā€™s very likely just town.

Still not sure about OutedWolf though.
Katze does look alright but again if Katze is town then Rue is like always wolf.

Yeah, and Kanon and Shanon are furniture as well, but one thing is being furniture and another one is being a witch form or whatever the fuck it said. This could be easier if I had played the WHOLE game :))))))))))))))

Furniture is more town its hard to explain, but for purposes here they are

I am town.
Why do you need to brag about flavour solving being a bad idea?
Like my ability, and flavour is witchy.

Pretty sure this character was in the last game of this and was wolf aligned, I should know cause I was a wolf and a partner had that role.

umineko spoilers

Featherine Augustus Aurora ā€“ Witch of Theatergoing, Drama, and Spectating

seems 2 fit the role claimed :curtain:

because this game has been a large boon on my sanity and i need anything i can get at this point

Yeah please, everyone that is going to throw some big spoilers please hide it like katze did. Thank you!

That is legit my flavour name.

Yeah thatā€™s my flavour name and part of the flavour itself.

ā€œThere may or may not be lost wolves.ā€

does featherine make sense as a lost wolf?