Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

damn why am i getting roasted and catching strays

Okay Sabi, I have taken a 5 hour energy. Plus Ultra activated.

who do you think the wolves are?

go do it.

then do katze

then do zach

then do gorta.

need town achro to case everyone

no one vote till eod plz. no hammers. nothing.

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Okay well if I have 48 hours that’s manageable.

Yea no one is voting

I bedded (・`Ï‰ÂŽăƒ») a c-c-catboy wast nyight, I pwefew my seduction t-to be appwied in weaw wife whewe i-it has intwinsic vawue, even OwO if said vawue is hedonyistic by design.

And I knyow it’s steweotypicaw fow someonye ÚwÚ t-to boast UwU of theiw sexuaw accompwishments in an onwinye boawd, but it’s twue. I have a cewtain capacity fow seduction daiwy, at home I appwy that t-to mafia, abwoad I appwy that t-to the x3 wocaw bishounyen (who looks at you awe quite kawaii and sugoi desu nye). boops your nose
starts twerking

also idk if it actually means anything but gyrlander’s message does prove visor had that ability, and no one other than me has claimed receiving it

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i opened jacks d1/2 iso and kinda feel decent about it ngl

@Jackrito i know ur frustrated bout your treatment this game but
 can you try to like, look past it for a bit? im willing to work with you as much as ur willing to work with me

(why do we think theres two more wolf)

Jack had less than 100 posts day 1 and 2. Okay this won’t be so bad.

lettuce force everyone to tier list sufjan albums and execute whomever posts the worst list

because its generally safe to assume that ~25% of a game will be nontown and rolemadness, if anything, would not deviate lower than that unless the wolf roles were incredibly strong, which i don’t think they have been

but if its only 1 wolf then playing as if theres 2 isnt that big of a deal anyway, the opposite is gamelosing

Katze and likely Achro at this point. I think you and Sadbi are town. Same as yesterday not much has changed for me.

Heisenberg (6): eliza, Hally, spf, Outedwolf, Gyrlander, nightingale
Gyrlander (5): Rue, Achromatic, katze, Jackrito, Memes
Outedwolf (4): HowardHamlin, GaulSoodman, Zorvo, guavagudetama
Gorta (3): sufdaddy, Sadbi, BradLand
Memes (1): Phraze
GaulSoodman (1): Heisenberg
guavagudetama (1): Ruby

just gonna drop this here while im isoing rue gn

its 2:55 pm katze

you dont have Illinois over Michigan gtfo

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yea i think if anyone scumreads me just read rues 2nd half of d1 and tell me theyre not trying to kill me over 2 wolf wagons


i thot u were gn-ing