Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

This is Townie thought, I agree with it.

I thought guava was lying about guessing me because of my typing style apparently being similar enough to sadbis and instead thought it was because of the one time I said the word “jailexe” and he just assumed it was a soft

This isn’t even a fucking read it’s actually dumb

Would you say this still applies if Ruby and Rue are both wolves?

went back to read EOD1

achro is probably a wolf

he was defending heisenberg, attacking eliza, pushing for gyrlander. stood by and did nothing while katze became a wagon, then when heisenberg started pulling away he suddenly votes heisenberg when it was 7-4 (crossposted with Rue switching from heisenberg to katze)

fwiw, the wagons were 7-6 heisenberg when i came in and voted heisenberg about 35 minutes to deadline. (memes immediately calling it a scummy vote probably villagy, as a sidenote.)

heisenberg wagon started to runaway a bit after this, achro was kinda just … there, not really doing anything meaningful. think he felt stuck and didnt really know what to do, figured berg was likely dying and just stayed on for the cred. It’s never super clear WHY he votes heisenberg, the reasoning with teh vote doesnt make a ton of sense imo.

but his eod1 looks pretty bad iyam.

Ruby being W clears Katze so they should be removed from PoE if Ruby flips Wolf.

Do you disagree?

If someone claims the Roleblock on you they have higher chance to be town

Unless you claimed previous day idk.

@Outedwolf @GaulSoodman

any thoughts appreciated on the post I’m replying to


how is katze cleared

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You remember Ruby replaced Proph right?

Also do you agree or disagree that if Rue is a wolf they are pocketing Katze and Katze is always a villager.

I remember when I called You and Rue wolves.
I don’t think your a wolf so I just have one question for you.

What’s your thoughts in regards to Rue exactly?

Although that could be a slip depending on Memes answer here

achro + Seth

any reason this isn’t w/w?

i kinda pingponged a bit on whether I thought achro’s eod1 was villagery or wolfy

wrote a paragraph earlier about it

doesn’t trust heisenberg case, changes mind for unspecified reasons to save katze and also because he trusts Eliza? Gives very weak reasoning for saving katze. Has a neighbourhood with katze. Had little memory of when they sheeped SPF. Initially was combative towards SPF’s case. I also think that if achro is a wolf that he seemed too happy if ruby is a wolf (seemed to be the only person having fun on day 2). Initially was in conflict with Katze before running off with them into the sunset because they related to how they were being treated by thread. Overall there’s enough weirdness here and contradictions that I think this is likely a villager

basically as far as I can tell, he wolfread katze initially, then townread her after she came back sulking and despite fighting with spf about heisenberg not being wolfy he hopped on to save katze

overall this seems incredibly strange to me to do deliberately if katze is a villager so I kinda think that they’re the same alignment (ie w/w or v/v although they’ve claimed a neighbourhood but I think they’re bold enough to fake it as w/w)

overall I think i disagree with the statement that it’s wolfy but imo if achro is a wolf then katze probably is as well and maybe vice versa

sorry I took sleeping pills but now I want to stay up sorry if this is a mess lol

Or add someone in my below null list.

Like anyone I put below null.

i feel like thats an iawy wall and zack is a wolf
sorry i cant explain anything right now just
brain is really shot

il try to try in the future because i know its bad but
my brain is kinda a mess right now

if rue is a wolf there is nothing that makes katze also not a wolf


Cause I’m Town.

Yes there is what?