Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

no there isn’t

me n rue are wolves and katze isn’t nerd

im such an icon

can you give a single reason why I’m a wolf, using actual explanations

you keep just calling me one all game for no reason and dismiss everything I say out of hand

How do you even make reads?
You just be like “oooooo that person knows how to make big shiny posts” must be town hahaha

“That post is small and boring this is wolf” hahaha


Like honestly please realize reading isn’t generic and you can’t read people like that an expect to get good results.
You need to understand each player has their own way of doing stuff and some will always look better or worse depending on who they are regardless of alignment so the best way to play is to look for things that has more of a town point of view/thought process and look for wolf agenda for that player.

Wolf Agenda Rue would have on Katze wouldn’t be to act like that to a partner but rather pocket a Townie.

I believe this.

That is serious, I can believe that.

i already accounted for the possibility that you would ask me and deferred explaining to tomorrow
check blocked

(seriously my vision is like swimming and my attention span is 5 secounds and my befth of thought is very low so i actually cont really reach into my thoughts to explain them in a satisfactory manner

other than the fact that your wall tastes a kind of aquamarine blue with iawys face on it which pbably isnt helpful

that is in fact what i am trying to do

that is why im taking a significant amount of my reads from dead villas + thread consensus and I am heavily discouraging dumpstering one specific player


that does not mean that i have to listen to questionable takes on players, especially if i think they’re villagers

Ok then don’t listen to me.

I want you to ISO Rue yourself.
Pre flip them wolf and look at their interactions with Katze.



TBF I Iean you a wolf and I thought you TR’ed me?

Can I have a readslist from you buddy.

why would i waste my time doing this when I’ve taken sleeping pills, i think they’re a villager and I’ve literally already ISOd her repeatedly

In the morning of course!

I’m just saying not take what I say with a grain of salt.

i do remember seeing weird posts about katze at end of day 1 and her vote was questionable

and the fact she didn’t really push on Katze on day 2 much IIRC was Interesting especially if katze is a wolf

but I have no idea how correct this all this this is just me trying to remember what I already have

why should I not take your push with many grains of salt when you haven’t really given me any valid reasons, you’re incorrect on me, and you’ve been very wrong on players like rue in the past

Eh I’m looking how Rue is choosing to interact with Katze and responding to appeal to them.

what was even the point of asking the question if you didn’t want my answer unless it was fitting your exact narrative