Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Can you not see them.

But you definitely want to shade a villager

Yep that’s TMI Rue, TMI

Before you or anyone else says anything

[no im actively avoiding them because they’re not worth my time]

Hm hm hm.

Let me map out where my head is at

Who am i never touching right now. Like. Ever. If flips go as expected.


Kind of a small list for my liking. Sabi leads to brad leads to jack in terms of clears. I guess that would be one hell of a scum team but brad’s wolf meta is apparently a wet noodle underwater so i dont feel the need to be scared.

Not going to be up to me probably

Hi katze

Who does that leave as on the table for me to consider


A little wide of a net and there are some i feel pretty good about. Might just cut rope on visor and gyr and then tonight work on unaligned pairing these folks and start digging into things.


“Not worth your time”

I feel insulted.

[guava’s self vote was wolfy]
[it’s performative because ruby’s always dying]
[so has no weight behind it]
[which is how wolves usually do this]

Explain what?
If people want to call me calling Guava being a villager TMI I said it for them.

Do you honestly believe a self vote to me wolfy?
What about other peoples self votes?

[everyone else was clearly doing it as a joke]

Oh i thought you were saying rue did tmi.

Zorvo why did you feel the need to say it was tmi defensively? Dont you have a town read on guava?

[this is why i said you weren’t worth my time]
[you’re constantly trying to catch me in a gotcha]
[and spinning everything i say as wolfy]

It’s not like they didn’t imply intent to have a Will to self vote.
They did.

So how is it wolfy what it’s something that a villager would do more

[26 minutes that’s more than i expected]

Gn nya

Yes I do. They are my top along with Sadbi.

I made a readslist if you want to ISO me

I’m basing my read to what your doing and calling it agenda.
Is there something wrong with that?

Why would anyone attack you for tmi for you calling your top villagers town lol