Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Yeah that’s why I asked her for a defense of herself
And she just pointed to whatever she wrote yesterday, and her claim (which is definitely not what I’d consider clearing)

Idk, even if she’s town getting pushed for two days i would’ve expected a bit more than “yeet me and maybe turbo me”
I don’t think yeeting her early and thereby cutting away from discussion time is beneficial for town, even if she’s a wolf

Did you have the same thought on regards with Heisemberg vs Katze? Or do you think Katze is lock-town based on EoD1?

I’m at the airport btw
Will do some real timing if people are around or else do some isoing before I disappear for a couple hours
and then I’ll be more active after that


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How is your mod posting ability is gonna help with that?

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Make a mod post that Rue is scum? Lmfao

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Not like that’s gonna convince anyone

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Please get rid of me

Get rid of you as in, remove you from his scumreads? or as in yeet?

(hi btw, don’t think we’ve met before)

Are you saying you didnt get what he meant?

Zorvo is irking me again.

@Zorvo how do you figure Rue is good at distancing when you were asking her for games you can look her up?

why didn’t you have a read on Heisenberg by the end of the day? There were 2 or so wagons, so why not at least try and inform yourself on what everyone else was voting?

Zorvo or not I think Rue is a wolf tbh

I kind of think Rue was trying to save Heisenberg tbh

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and is now caught trying to explain the whole thing, but I feel like it will go nowhere because Zorvo is the only other person who is following me here

We haven’t

And get rid of me as in I want to die LOL
Like I do want to play the game but I genuinely believe I haven’t been helpful to town and I think it would be more beneficial if I died
Like basically every call I’ve made has been the wrong one

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like I have problems keeping up in semi larger games early on, but I at least try to read the top wagons near EoD

how does someone with around 100+ posts not have time to read a single player with 133 posts?

*133 posts who is also a top wagon to be voted

you either make a read on people dying or else, so I can see where Zorvo is coming from