Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Fuck so I spent a while waking up, feeling groggy and responding to a damn typo lmao

Oh the irony to typo on the word typo.

On you? Honestly like changed my mind is a strong verb here since at this point i want to believe u dont just sit on your partner all day, and secondly i think you have great responses to frost and frosts reaponses to you, dont paint the picture of being wolf/wolf

Im just have a hard time understanding how u found frost with so much confidence

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Why would you try and lie for a second there?

I didnā€™t try and lie, I said I didnā€™t receive feedback for anything but my role.
My role granted me a positive feedback :blobby:

My guess is wazza is able to tell whether players got postive or negative info and im not seeing how that is incorporated into any wolf role

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I think the info in terms of positive or negative is nai

Maybe so but I usually just trust informational roles more than others

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Like, what sort of mafia roles would get positive feedback?

I do know mafia info roles can exist (E.G. Mafia Watcher) but it is typically more likely town roles will have that happen.

Any role that runs like binary code ig, just a yes / no system.

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Its just marluna/x
I take back my town lean there


Votecount as of P#3031

Marluna (3): Bakefia, Jarek, Luka
Luka (1): PrincessAbigail
Hazardwaste (1): Millium

Not Voting (5): Hazardwaste, Marluna, Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain, Wazza

Ya im just having the hardest time finding two wolves let alone 1, and i think i overstated frosts treatment of marluna as having more of a prideful tmi tone when that isnt the case. Also marlunaā€™s response to frost about their read on them feels wolfy

Iā€™m having an awesome BOTC game with a shugenja as a high priestess

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Iā€™m in high spirits abuse this by asking me for reads

It seems so mediocre and unfun compared to what could have been released. But glad to hear youā€™re having good fun at least.

Itā€™s pretty boring but so are all 1-shot roles

There is no way I actually solved the game correctly

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I solved it down to the minions and who the lleech host was and the fact the shugenja was drunk


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Anyway this thread is still quiet is everyone asleep