Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

specifically i have Abbi as my x with marluna because of an early post where they basically called me and baker t/t and to stop fighting with each other, but only later added them to the towncore, and than even later me

personally I still dont think Abbi plays this way as a wolf, but they could just be out of wim because of w/e reason

I was thinking about that as well

Iā€™m sitting here without much knowledge on the Marluna thing but their lack of show just makes me think theyā€™re scum anyway thatā€™s given up so Iā€™m just going to accept them as being scum

Then I look at potential partners for them, I believe your claim so my thoughts on you have flipped and I think Kiiruma is town, thatā€™s three people down already

I donā€™t believe Leafia is scum at all but their posting today has sucked massively, feels like theyā€™re pressuring people into provide more information on their roles, specifically yourself and I

I trust Abigail, I think theyā€™re trying to find a consensus instead of going for their own thoughts now which I think can come from town here especially since itā€™s right after a mafia death

I feel Jarek is town because of his interactions I saw with Frost especially regarding his push, his worst thing is voting Kiiruma but it doesnā€™t seem tied to Frost at all and Iā€™ve already been told not to read into Frosts vote anyway

Iā€™m left with Hazard, Luka and Icet here at least imo

Iā€™ve seen a few people call Luka town though and Iā€™m kinda curious on that but Iā€™ll gather thoughts on it tomorrow, I need sleep

I went through their iso and looked at how they talk about frost, i dont think its coming from a partner, but thats just me

Ice has one early post that pings me

luka is probably town

frost did awkwardly always have something to say about marluna. even when she has the least posts for this game. it was either gonna be his scape goat or someone he was allied with is the only two reason for that


This post is also hyper fucking towny. Just saying.

Also high Iā€™m back

If Kiiruma wolf nuke here with impunity

Your not my most trusted which makes you my least trusted.

I still did not lie.
I said I did not receive feedback except for from my own role.
My role provided me a positive feedback :slight_smile:

Lmfao Wazza is the towniest player in this game holy shit.

I largely agree fwiw

Entertaining new worlds where Iā€™m wrong on everything.

Except Wazza. Sheā€™s town.

Actually kinda leaning towards Jarek wolf right nowā€¦

Mmm yummy I agree minus Marluna

VOTE: hazard

Error 404 this mafia buzzword could not be found cause its FAKE!!!

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Iā€™d kill this if Hazard flips wolf.

Also I do not think Ice/luka is ever pure.

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