Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Kii is LITERALLY THE ONE who confirms my mech

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thatā€™s why Iā€™m voting abi :+1:

For once I understand why people hate mech talk


hang on I swear someone claimed they had a ninja ability

Bakefia is literally lying about their claim at this point.

I got vanillad

But also I was right originally I couldnā€™t use my ability yesterday even if I wanted to

And I wasnt actually ever gonna use it on you lol

Whatā€™s the pattern

I donā€™t like how they killed marluna with ruthless deathtunnelling.


oh my god weā€™re going on the same wave length thatā€™s crazy

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Woulda been nice to be confirmed as a non-killer with my role being what it is

Also lol told you she was obv town

I forgot the part where the passive was a ninja

Why would you have an announced role with a ninja passive

Mechanics make no sense

ok thatā€™s kinda true

maybe Wazza IS innocent afterallā€¦


Can we talk about bakefias ability for a second

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Dead town, Living town, Wolf, Neutral

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