Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Ok so every time I’ve targeted Bakefia I’ve been RBd. This could be coincidental but at this point I refuse to believe it.

I believe they’re not just ninja, like I think they’re a wolf with an ability to hide from investigatives (I’m a fucking parity cop who’s been roleblocked twice and gets positive feedback if they’re the same as my original target.)

I got told a target as my N0 target essentially. Think similar to maid, starting with a matchmaking target.

the main thing I dislike is the literal claimed ninja ability and also the sudden switch up

I roleblocked you N1 sorry

Nope but come on did you really think I was gonna openly claim my target Jarek?

It was smoke and mirrors

I like playing chicken with the mafia.

do you claim a roleblock on Kii N3?

that wasn’t me


Well like


who did you roleblock N2?

So there probably is a wolf roleblocker. And Bakefia might be lying about claim.
I’m going with it harder atm because literally my targets have been Bakefia (Roleblocked), someone alive (Positive feedback), Bakefia (Roleblocked)

Why can’t bakefia just have a roleblocking passive

She was not obvious

The chad Wazza revealing Kiiruma’s info when they didn’t want to out yet

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Hazard and Hazard again N3

I’m eligible for anti claim atp already so I am a Town Mediator and if I don’t vote the previous day I can choose to protect / roleblock a player the following night

I kinda doubt Abi is a JK BC their role is mines but better

Bakefia didn’t claim it and that’s just a really anti-town passive.

If they were town yeah

This isn’t a real thought

Icet - Town Mediator
Kiiruma - Town Parity Cop (Not exact name but you know, I’m not just gonna give mafia everything. Because screw them :stuck_out_tongue: )

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okay so jesus christ I need to wrap my head around this

how many people have claimed roleblocked or redirected this game I’m going to go back and find it

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Alright I’m going to go spend my whole day with Caitlin cause it’s our anniversary