Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

The irony of this kingsmaker is, the last person i saw do a kingsmaker was a wolf, and even more ironic, that person was achro


I state this, but i still dont believe this is wolf leafia, umlsss they believe they can win, and i would argue this os the perfect setup for a abbi/leafia

I just still dont believe we saw wolf frost and wolf leafia arguing

I have to look at the wagons around then

its wazza abi dont let them tell you otherwise

oh nice

town wants to vote out the confirmed caroler + I remember very well how leafia leaked our role word by word to the thread

I canā€™t wait for this misery to end

VOTE: Bakefia

good luck solving this game with people like wazza rofl

This is unnecessary

literally what have I done to you

Sigh, my last game was so fun, and this game is certainly a rideā€¦

I think u are toxic regardless of your alignment, maybe think about how you want to interact with players next time, or dont i dont care, its your life


like at least in other games Iā€™d see what Iā€™ve done wrong but Iā€™ve genuinely not even been a prick to anyone or even you in this game and you keep coming at me

youā€™re just an asshole, get over it.

U effectively abandoned the game and insulted wazza/me/marluna


I mean u can win both ways imo, but i think finding a core and working together is 100 times better than trying to find wolves days after day alone and specifically insulting people, especially me qhen i have tried to work with literally everyone

I think leafia claiming is townie, i literally dont agree with the reads on your slot, but i think your slot basically bit off its own foot at this point

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Like even last eod, me and leafia were vibing, i want to work with everyone and maybe thats my weakness, but i find it helps to interact as many times as needed because u never know it only takes one post to change your read

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I feel like im talking to the air but meh, those are my thoughts, im not trying to come off as better than you, and im certainly not insulting your results or play

Anyways im almoat off work

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Ya i dont really think its wazza but ill do my due diligence

Youā€™re welcome.

Admittedly a villagery response.

I feel ancient now. I graduated from high school the year before you were born. In 2004 for anyone not wanting to do the math.

Baker, please answer this. :sleepingleafeon:

U graduated high school in 2004?
Nvm im not old, u are old :3

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Yup. When I was 20 years old. Iā€™m currently 39. :sleepingleafeon:

Holy hell, i thought u were much younger, crazy

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I just turned 30 this year lol

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