Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

The neut publically said they were visiting ash and ash was publically claiming the same I thought everyone thought that ash triggered the neut leaving

No it was me

Iā€™m not about to be suspected for not having confirmed actions when I very much do

do you have proof for this?

hazard do you wanna vote abi with me

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Going to head off to do some shopping and charge my phone up now. :sleepingleafeon:

im suspecting u because i think their is at least one wolf on kiiruma in town them worlds

tbf i think both u and wazza have good things going for them

i think this game is brutal, and u all have some super confidence, and im not sure where its coming from

one more question
why did u check to see if i visited Hazard?

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i think i wanna look into both of you after my uni lesson. one of you is lying

One of you has a condition which makes more sense but you called yourself a mediator and gave an ability that is not a mediator last time i checked

Two abi is just a plain stronger version then you which usually is a bit sus but they have also claimed to be vanillaised and has a name that matches their ability.

Either way i wanna re-read you both before i vote but my vote will be on one of you two probably.
i dont think you are both town

good question. follow up if Jarek has proof he visited the Neut then me and jarek can never be wolf together

thats what Iā€™ve been saying :wowee:

i dont really think u fit into any wolf world


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The fact the neutral left the game lol

they said they would visit ash the previous day

from what i remembered



If youā€™re a wolf, I reckon youā€™d be taking out quiet people that arenā€™t disturbing your peace right now. Like Hazard, right? Status Quota, so to speak. I donā€™t think anyones voiced any specific concerns about you and you said you only had passives.

If I caught you visiting for any reason Iā€™d just have you dead to rights as a liar

thats exactly my role I didnā€™t even realize it was an actual role