Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Executing a town over a claimed 3p is objectively a mistake

One of the rare cases where id use that word. Most of the time id say a subjective mistake, u made the wrong read, it happens

And chopping a wolf over 3p is obv the best

But if u chopped a town where u knew u could do better, objectively, makes this an objective misplay imo

I dont think im a hotshot who can chop wolves easily, so its safer to go for the safe play

Also yeah - we lost one chop because pod leaving forced us to sleep due to mylo numbers. If we chopped him we would have had one more chop available, so we would have lost nothing

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gg i was sans undertale from the :joy_cat: AU

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the 3p made the setup from a 12v3 to a 11v3 which helped a mafia a ton BC if Town had the extra execution we wouldve won so it wasnt terrible

But u dont know if ur wrong, thats the big thing here


Right, its a gamble

But id argue its different than the normal dynamic of a normal game with no 3p claims. U always need to chop ppl there, thats the only card u play. But here u need to do risk asssessment. U have a guarantee that u can do better than chopping a town, which u normally dont. If u still mischop despite having this guarantee - u just took a gamble and u lost. A bigger gamble than in a normal mafia game, imo

Meh its still more so a setup problem, since 11/3/1 was alrready bad

U cant really convince me to vote a 3p without me thinking they are bad or there is good reason to

you’re saying this as if it wasn’t intentional for mafia to waste actions on POD

I was pro town neutral, how could you guys lost when I roleblocked mafia 2 nights in a row :stuck_out_tongue:

you got chopped because you couldnt scumhunt so you resort to trying to yeet the neutral, maybe scumhunt better

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Don’t tell me how to play mafia.

My track record speaks for itself. I had one bad game oh well go next don’t act like I’m wrong every time.

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I visited Jarek night 2 because after I announced I was gonna visit Ash, Jarek decided to reveal to me that hes mafia and he was gonna roleblock Ash, so Ash couldnt visit me. Basically blackmailing me into visiting the mafia if I want to achieve my wincon.

I just went along with it because I lied about 3 nights, it was only 2 nights so I knew I was winning that night no matter what.

i couldn’t care less about your wrong opinion

2 out of 10 other townies voted me at eod1

Jarek killed Ash instead to cover up for himself, which was probably a smarter move

pod pfp is so cute how could you kill someone like that tutuu?

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thats also part of a town’s job. You need to convince other towns youre town which you clearly failed to do

And the other part of a town’s job is to be cute


imagine being on different factions and yet talking shit to other players after u won and they lost

again, u have no idea what ur talking about and ur unpleasant. im done with this convo :)

Oh well than I’m auto town every game uwu

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you started this convo tho