Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

when next game

I don’t mind

I sucked though


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U survived, and u did well in trying to save frost. As well as constantly pressuring leafia, dont sell urself short

I’m still not sure why frost died I thought me jumping on them would help

but I was also prepared for them to go over, because I figured if I defend them hard enough despite that it’d look good on me because well why would I make myself so obvious like that if we were a pair


sadly that didnt work on Marluna lol :3


You townlocked scum and har DC pushed an obvious villager. You’re not GOATed at all and now you’re just annoying me a bit. Please come up off your high horse. This isn’t like you. I’m not saying you need to change the way you play, just to learn from this experience. I want to see you improve just like I wNt to see everyone improve, no matter who they are or how good they are.

There’s always room for improvement.

Speaking of which, scumreading on openers is cringe

ur wrong, EoDs SoDs, and game starts are where wolves are at their weakest
one of Wazza’s weakest moments was EoD 1

maybe it wont hold, but at least i can feel good about catching it :3

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shrugs I am. I have the history to prove it.

I’m good at the game and you won’t bring me down. I don’t care that I made a mistake and you were NEVER fucking obvious town.

I never said you weren’t good at the game Abi. I never even imllied that I thought you were bad at the game and you were so confbiased on me that you couldn’t see beyond your tunnelvision on me. Now please, let’s just stop this bickering and go back to being friends, okay? I’m sorry again if I upset you.

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We are friends

I love you.

Just don’t like being brought down post game for a mistake. Nobody credits me when I play well but everyone wants to dig into me when I mess up.

I love you too and I’m sorry Abi. We both could’ve played that better I think.

Hard for me to say as a wolf myself but yeah I wouldn’t call someone who death tunneled a wolf and two villagers townie neccessarily. Looks more like chainsawwing or whatever that phrase is to me

You know where a wolf puts their partner and 2 townies or more in a group and then kills them all together

It’s classic v Leafia though. I’m far more agreeable as a wolf and I rarely get into huge arguments, especially with villagers as a wolf. Plus, my play here was almost a carbon copy of Owl House FM.

Well I don’t really follow meta at all

And this game for me is somewhat evidence that meta is unreliable? Maybe? I acted the same as I usually do except I was evil